Metric MethodsSM
Metrication Consultant Services

You might want to get a little refesher training on the SI if you...
do not know what the SI is.
think that the metric system is something that the French invented.
think that the U.S. and many other nations had no role in developing the metric system.
think that the metric system was developed for science and engineering purposes.
think that the metrication of the U.S. has become a dead and failed issue.
think that the federal government deems U.S. customary units to be the preferred for measurements.
think that the U.S. is more non-metric than metric.
think that the U.S. yard, gallon, bushel, and related units are the same size they were 60 years ago.
think that the U.S. pound (avoirdupois) is the same size it was 150 years ago.
think that the following are international metric system (SI) units:
calories millibars mmHg degrees centigrade degrees Kelvin
cannot remember which of these is the only correct symbol for the cubic centimeter:
cc ccm cu. cm cm3 or mL
do not know your height in centimeters (or meters) and your weight in kilograms.
do not know which of these is the only correctly written distance:
4km 4 Km 4 km 4kms 4 kms 4k or 4K
know that one kilogram can be written as 1 kg but don't know which of these is the only right symbol for two kilograms:
2 kg or 2 kgs
do not know if the speed limit on an interstate highway should be written as:
110 km/h 110 kmh 110 kph or 110 kmph
do not know if a jacket feels good when it's thirty degrees Celsius outside.
do not know if thirty degrees Celsius should be written as:
30 °C 30°C 30° C 30 ° C or 30 C
think that "kilo" can be used to mean "kilogram".
think that "klick" can be used to mean "kilometer".
would like to take a trip to Washington DC to show the kids our current national standard yardstick and national standard pound.
do not know which of these has (or have) not been accepted for use with the SI:
second minute hour day week month year century
do not know who in the world uses the SI and when.
cannot give directions to a tourist or conduct business in SI units.

copyright 1999-2018 James R. Frysinger, Metric Methods
"Metric Methods" and the ruler graphic are service marks. All Rights Reserved.
Materials may be freely copied and distributed subject to the inclusion of the copyright notice and our Web site address.